Markers: 43

Washoe is distinctively known as northern Nevada's urban county but many forget this is but one tiny portion of this giant county. The minute you leave Truckee Meadows the typical face of rural Nevada makes its presence known. People forget that the majority of Washoe is highly rural, wild, and in-your-face. Here, variety is the spice of life. The sagebrush sea, cemetery grounds, high-rise buildings, city parks, in timber forests, alpine lakes, mountain passes, and high-end ski resorts. Which Washoe are you?
See the description on the map below for each marker's locals' tips and tricks!
Reno & Sparks
Markers: 23

Faces of Washoe
Faces and places. Washoe County holds three distinct faces and each place poles apart more diverse than any other place in Nevada. When you think about it, Washoe County is one strange duck. It's a place both untouched by modern man in its remote northern sector and cleansed in the western reaches by alpine fragrance and azure blue water. Yet it's also a place that prides itself as a bustling metropolis. Washoe County is a rarity in America. You can be trapped in the "spaghetti bowl" at rush hour, taking a selfie on the Strip, and in only a few hours, be left speechless among the vast emptiness of the Black Rock. You might begin your day in a kayak on the waters of Tahoe only to switch gears to a float tube on the Truckee River. You might begin your day at 10,000 feet above the world on Mt. Rose and then cruise the Reno Arch or roll the dice amidst the glitz and glamour of urban Reno. You can then end the day on the shore of America's most beautiful desert lake, standing in silence on the Black Rock Desert or beneath the towering walls of High Rock Canyon. This is precisely why the people of Washoe are also just as colorful. Here you'll witness a Reno city slicker be stared down if he dares to order a cappucino at Bruno's Country Club. A young snowboarder from Incline Village will butt heads about life and liberty with an old timer from Wadsworth or a rancher from Washoe Valley. Ever see a real cowboy stand side by side with a rhinestone cowboy? Variety preserves identity. Washoe's "faces and places" are precisely why we love this place!

Washoe County is a county known for its wide variety of landscapes.
Founded: November 25, 1861
Size: 6,551 sq. mi.
Rank: 9th out of 17
Population: 493,014 (2022)
Rank: 2nd out of 17
Density: 67 sq. mi.
Rank: 3rd out of 17
Largest Community: Reno (271,966)
County Seat: Reno (271,966)
Highest Point: Mt. Rose (10,776')
Known for ...
Downtown Reno & Casino "Strip, Hot August Nights, Lake Tahoe-Nevada State Park, Mt. Rose Ski Area & Wilderness, Pyramid Lake, Black Rock Desert, Burning Man Festival, Sheldon Wildlife Refuge