Markers: 26

Carson City
It should come as no surprise that most of Carson City's markers focus on the finding of Nevada. Yeah. The roots of our state government and how the Silver State came to be. Of course, the Capitol owes much of its existence to the world-famous Comstock Lode. Whether it be before or after Abe Curry's eye-on-the-prize, the historical markers here give a warm and wonderful commemoration to our state's heart.
See the description on the map below for each marker's locals' tips and tricks!

So, why an eagle?
The valley we know today as Eagle Valley has one of the longest recorded histories in the Silver State. Imagine the headlines: an elaborate flume system, old mansions decorated with wealth from the Comstock, the funding of an unexpected state capitol. All of these may be just a few stepping stones in the building of Carson City. Oh, and of that "eagle?" It was a hunter who christened the name, so proud of his kill he mounted the bird on a post overlooking his station.
As early as 1851, the area that came to be known as "Carson" has always been a favored spot among travelers, emigrants, ranchers, and wagon trains. This was an area commonly referred to as a swamp and a mudhole, yet the valley became an ideal place for raising cattle. Around 1858, the area's first settlers turned into lone entrepreneurs of the region who set up shop to service the vast and unsettled western reaches of then Utah Territory.
This little city loves making due and humbles itself as one of the last classic small towns in America. Despite its mini population, Carson remains fully in charge of America's seventh-largest state. Size doesn't matter ... as much as small town elegance, scenic surroundings, and oh so, sweet heritage. It may not care about neon overkill, a dizzying interstate, or even a flowery self sales pitch. Carson City is simply Carson City ... with plenty of sugar and spice.

Washoe County is a county known for its wide variety of landscapes.
Founded: November 25, 1861
Size: 6,551 sq. mi.
Rank: 9th out of 17
Population: 493,014 (2022)
Rank: 2nd out of 17
Density: 67 sq. mi.
Rank: 3rd out of 17
Largest Community: Reno (271,966)
County Seat: Reno (271,966)
Highest Point: Mt. Rose (10,776')
Known for ...
Downtown Reno & Casino "Strip, Hot August Nights, Lake Tahoe-Nevada State Park, Mt. Rose Ski Area & Wilderness, Pyramid Lake, Black Rock Desert, Burning Man Festival, Sheldon Wildlife Refuge
Afoot & A photo
in Carson City
