Last Seen:
Bruno's Country Club - Gerlach
This marker is currently missing

No signs exist for this marker
This marker has been missing since 1998.
Exact Description
Named for a former teamster-turned-sheepman, Elias Olinghouse, who settled in a quiet canyon at the base of the Pah Rah mountain range to get away from it all. As prospecting activities increased about him, Olinghouse was caught up in the whirl of things, buying several claims and erecting a small stamp mill in 1903 to process ores.
The district was first prospected in 1860; it was not organized, however, until 1899. Shortly thereafter, the region reached its peak of activity, producing $410,000 in gold and silver values between 1898 and 1903.
Both electric and telephone service were installed in 1903, and in 1907 the standard-gauge Nevada Railroad arrived. This short-lived railroad was completed from a junction on the Southern Pacific near Wadsworth to Olinghouse in February of 1907; regular operations ceased on November 1, 1907. Aside from its short life, the Nevada Railroad Company was distinguished by having the first Shay-geared locomotives to be used in Nevada.
Sporadic activity has continued at Olinghouse until the present time. Total production is estimated to have been $520,000.

Case number 24
Missing Since: 1998
According the State Marker System:
"Located off of a dirt road, approximately six miles northwest of Wadsworth"
​The Mystery of Marker 24 (2007)
Perhaps no other MIA has eaten up more of my time than the old marker at Olinghouse. I'd say it was all in good favor except uncovering the mystery of the Olinghouse Marker is still no closer today in 2025 than it was over twenty years ago. For every year it remains an MIA, I further conclude that chances grow increasingly slim that this marker will ever be back. I'll get to why in a minute.
The Olinghouse Marker began its life sometime in the late 1990s, and after only a year, it had succumbed to deliberate vandalism. The symptom? Something that I call, "Blue sign season." The truth is, any information regarding Marker 24 comes in quiet tones from the SHPO. This fellow marker found this out right away after his first attempted "conquering" in 2007. Today's marker hunter will find the road into Olinghouse "CLOSED!," five miles from State Route 447. Yes, boys and girls. What was then a lovely public road is now strictly "private" with a burgeoning cattle gate spanning its width. Here's the deal.
Both sides of this road are posted liberally with "Private Property," "KEEP OUT!" and other threatening signs warning people to "Stay Out!" Fortunately, my trip up to the gate in 2007 was a calm one, a benign comparison to others who came before me and had walked away with very different circumstances. One might even go as far as saying these encounters were unfortunate "consequences" that were met with threats of violence.
Have I hooked you yet?
Now, about that question a minute ago.
"Will the marker ever be back?"
Allow me to elaborate.
Shortly after its disappearance, rumors circulated that Marker 24 was deliberately relocated at the townsite of Olinghouse, approximately 6 miles west of SR 447 on Olinghouse Road. At the time, Olinghouse was freely public. Visitors were allowed to drive right up to the town site up until 2003 when a new mining corporation by the name of "Target Minerals" bought the entire townsite and adjacent lands in Olinghouse Canyon.
The company purchased a sum of adjoining lands, including the portion of the road and the remainder of BLM Road 0456, also known as Pah-Pah Road, which leads from Olinghouse to Vista Blvd in Sparks through the Wah Wah Range. By doing this, Target Minerals deliberately ensured that access to the town was off-limits to the public all the for the sake of re-working the Olinghouse Mine. Although this sounds innocent and regular enough for Nevada, here is where the story takes a sudden turn.
At the beginning of my search for the Olinghouse Marker, I contacted Bob and Luis from a local website, Forgotten Nevada, along with a few other ghost bums from an active (and highly dedicated) ghost town web ring. Thanks to this collective batch of passionate and very knowledgeable individuals, I learned much more about the goings on at Olinghouse after the town was purchased.
The owner of the Olinghouse Mine (whose contact name and number I shall keep to myself for privacy reasons) stated that he only "closed the town for safety issues," a legitimate liability safeguard while the mine was being worked. Contrarily, he also stated that he certainly does allow people into Olinghouse, which is still an active town with a handful of residents! This also coincides with what I was told by another fellow contact that even "we (the residents of Olinghouse) love visitors!"
However, the story takes an abrupt turn when the owner added:
"But I have a caretaker living on the property that likes to shoot at people."
Interesting enough?
A handful of people who have tried to visit Olinghouse for themselves had stated having been severely threatened by this "caretaker." This trigger-happy loon has little to no regard for anybody. Threats of violence, including actual pot shots have occurred along with less menacing abuse like nasty emails, and claims filed to the Washoe County Sheriff's Office, are among some of the offenses that this nut has committed.
What's even worse is that all of the victims of this caretaker had never once crossed the gate into Olinghouse, yet they were confronted for simply driving the public road to the gate. One of the most serious incidents happened in 2006 when the "caretaker" threatened a single father and his seven-year old son at gunpoint. Furthermore, accusations by this idiot have already made it to Reno. As such, don't be surprised if you see a Washoe County Sheriff doing a daily patrol of the five-mile dirt road from SR 447.
The Plot Thickens
So, what of the unfortunate Olinghouse marker? My advice would be to stay away. Accessing Olinghouse is out of the question unless you contact the owner himself. A fellow marker hunter, "Air Force" Dave S, also dug up some information about the mysterious Marker 24, shortly after I had debuted this website in 2008. Dave met with Mara Jones, one of the active Architectural Historians at the State Historical Preservation Office (SHPO), and helped further shed some much-needed light on this story. Out of his interview, Dave came away with this statement ...
"The marker at Olinghouse is no longer there. Apparently people were using it for target practice and the state was tired of replacing it (the plaque). We're still unsure whether we want to replace it or not."
The case of Marker 24 is a sad example of how heartless vandalism ruins precious sites for everybody. However, I want to leave this case on a good note. The town of Olinghouse is in stellar condition and other locals that I've talked to have informed me of four standing buildings, along with the town's small cemetery with intact headstones that have been maintained by the locals. As of late, the owner stated:
"We're keeping the town as it is and working around it."
So, although the townsite is still within the bounds of private property, the road gate preserves it for future generations. Hopefully, some resolve will be corrected to this mess in the future and the crazy caretaker will have permanently soiled all of his ammo.
Finding Olinghouse itself is a piece of cake, but again, accessing it is an altogether different story. Olinghouse Road is unsigned from the highway, but it is easily discernable by a wide, graded dirt path retreating westward into the Wah Wah Range, exactly three miles north of Wadsworth. Even though the road itself leads to private property, the county is still in charge of its maintenance, making it passable in any passenger car. Olinghouse sits six total miles west of SR 447, but you'll find it blocked by the locked gate at Mile Five. Workings by Target Minerals at Olinghouse continue to this day, and a fence lines the road from Mile Five to prevent any parking along the road. That's not all.
Marker 24 ... Lives?
Shortly after visiting Olinghouse, I researched even further and discovered a rumor that Marker 24 was still alive, some 74 miles north of its original location! Where does that put us exactly: at the entrance to Bruno's Country Club in Gerlach. Eager to put this case to rest, I made the half-day trip to Bruno's in 2008 and came away with what looked like a blue Standard-medium sized marker placed in Bruno's parking lot. As you'll see, I found this "marker" newly painted, and other than the lack of a state seal, was indeed a marker in the flesh! Instead of a plaque, the words "Bruno's Country Club" lie embossed across its face. This discovery thus coincides with Dave's interview with Mara Jones ...
"People were using it for target practice and the state got tired of replacing it (the plaque). We haven't seen it since."
My conclusion is that it could've been a remake from the SHPO after its initial disappearance, but was simply abandoned after its plaque went missing thanks to said crazy caretaker. Then maybe just maybe somebody might've found the marker itself and donated it to Bruno? If so, this is a great wrap-up for this case. Until further findings come up, I have listed Marker 24 with these new coordinates, and although the marker has been turned into a piece of badass bling for Bruno, it means that Marker 24 is technically present and accounted for! The photo below is the only known photo of what could be Marker 24. Again, we are about 75% sure of this accuracy based on our findings.
Street View

This is the only known photo of what could-be Marker 24.

This is the only known photo of what could-be Marker 24.

There are a few possible strategies we've analyzed to replace this marker to prevent further mishaps (red tape) in the future. There's no easy recommendation for this one because even the SHPO has deemed the possibility of its return a longshot. Why? The entire area, except for a few patches of BLM land, is completely enclosed within the Pyramid Lake Reservation. Erecting any replacement for Marker 24 would require a joint effort with the reservation. Considering that the marker went missing along SR 447, the main state highway through this area, means that even placing it anywhere along the main highway would mean a likely repeat of the past. Basically, any effort to reinstall Marker 24 needs to be far and well-away from Olinghouse itself or the reservation. Here are a few options just in case the current marker at Bruno's Country Club doesn't work.
1. Wadsworth Rest Stop (Westbound)
Our recommendation!
This is the most realistic choice for relocating Marker 24. This rest area at the edge of Wadsworth is perfectly situated longitudally with Olinghouse which lies directly on the other side of the mountains here. The fact that this is a freeway rest area would
Ensure that it never has to go missing again, avoiding the red tape of this rural area altogether.
Ensures proper maintenance by NDOT.
This rest area can be accessed only from the westbound lanes (Exit 43), but eastbound communters can use the Wadsworth exit (Business 80) for a quick turnaround.
2. Main Crossroads in Wadsworth
While is technically located on the Pyramid Lake Reservation, the main crossroads here with SR 427 and 447 pretty much guarantees freedom. This main junction is well-traveled and under the watchful eyes of the reservation and both Lyon and Washoe County sheriffs. Any shenanigans will be seen. The location isn't bad, but placement could be an issue since there are many residences at this crossroads.
If you have any more information regarding - 24 - OLINGHOUSE we ask that you please contact me or the State Historic Preservation Office at
(775)684-3448 as soon as possible.
Let's get this marker back to the people and/or the justice it deserves!